All of the new interactions are things we’re used to hearing and saying in real life.
Mods for sims 4 mac mod#
This mod adds realistic, fun, new social interactions, and some come with special moodlets! These added social interactions are so real and so relatable they are guaranteed to make your gameplay more lively! Nobody plays the Sims to watch virtual people do homework. Just right click on a skill and type in the level you want! If you’re in a university, have a job, or want to get through an aspiration quickly, right click on a task and complete it with ease.

This mod makes typing in long, annoying cheat codes a thing of the past! Now you can make your sim a level 10 Rocket Scientist in five seconds. Using cheats codes in your game can help you rack up tons of money, build relationships instantly, and quickly build storylines. Look at this dude in his bright orange uniform and that diner hat.
Mods for sims 4 mac upgrade#
Spending 4 hours to make some nasty eggs just isn’t worth it, so order in! This mod is a huge upgrade to the pizza delivery service, and we love it. If you happen to not have a specific pack, just replace that item.Cooking in the Sims takes a long time. Last note, I used several different packs and cc to decorate the entire lot.

Custom food interactions mod, and the Custom drink interactions mod. Either version you’ll need a couple of required mods in order for the McDonald’s CC food to appear in menus, and have the ability to eat it etc. Or you can use Dine Out game pack and turn it into a restaurant. You can use the Get To Work expansion pack and turn this into a retail store. To make this functional you have a couple of options. I didn’t include the managers office, so if you want that feel free to add that wherever you want. You’ll have plenty of space for customers and cooking. This version is still on a 64×64 lot but I expanded the size of the restaurant. Please visit all the CC creators to give them support and check out what else they have to offer. I wanted to add a modern version and include some new incredible custom content from the Greasy Goods stuff pack by LittleDica.
Mods for sims 4 mac update#
This is the third update to my McDonald’s build.